Hello, I've been asked by Jodie Mitchell of Barnhaven Primroses if there are any NARGS members who have good pictures of Primula x juliana 'Jay Jay' that they would be willing to share for publication. The Mitchells are writing a book on Primulas (The Plant-Lover's Guide to Primula) to be published in 2016 by Timber Press. They would like to include a picture of this variety, but don't grow it themselves.
If you are interested in sharing your pictures of 'Jay Jay', please write to Jodie Mitchell, jodie@barnhaven.com.
Many thanks,
Alison Place
I've had it for many years
I've had it for many years and have lots of photos also, in case the first source is unwilling. (I'm sure I've posted photos on this site - you may be able to find them by doing a search.)
Hi, Lori, That's very
Hi, Lori, That's very generous of you! Have you sent an email directly to Jodi? She replied to my initial reply, which I sent yesterday morning, about 9 a.m. GMT. She didn't mention that she had been contacted by any NARGS members yet. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you, especially if you could include a couple of jpgs!
Now that I've seen 'Jay Jay', I want a plant myself! Anyone know who supplies it in Canada?
Zone 5a, Ottawa, Ontario
One can often find that out
I sent Jodie an e-mail this morning.
One can often find suppliers simply by doing a Google search. Phoenix Perennials (about which I know nothing, other than that it's in Canada) appears to have sold it, 'though unfortunately doesn't have it in their current year list. Their info says to send them an e-mail to inquire about it:
A couple of nurseries in the U.S. appear to have it, although there would be the usual shipping complications. Far Reaches Farm sounds like a great place:
The person requesting photos
The person requesting photos has found them and thanks those here who offered help.
There's one here. They might be willing to let them use it.