I have seed of Trillium kurabayshii available. It's clean and has been kept moist since harvest. If you're in the US I'll send it out in moist vermiculite; if you're foreign tell me how to best get it through your customs department/plant cops. I'll send out at least 10 seeds. I'm not sure how many packets I can make with the seed I have. I'm guessing maybe 10?
You don't need to send anything in return-I know what it's like not to have anything desirable to swap and to be consumed by plant lust. You also don't need to send money for postage. My husband inherited his mother's massive collection of usable postage stamps so postage isn't costing me anything.
Please request seed off list by emailing me at janjeddeloh@gmail.com.
I'll post when all the seed is spoken for.
Re: Trillium kurabayashii seed available
Jan, Thanks so much for the seed! It was a pleasant surprise to receive it.
All the seed is gone for this year. I will likely have more next year.