Scheduling for The Speakers Tour for 2014 with Martin Walsh Spring Tour in the West and Mike Kington Fall Tour in the East will begin in earnest at the end of July. Please submit your requests by July 31 to give chapters the opportunity to plan their 2014 calenders.
Martin Walsh has indicated his preference for May 2014, specific dates have not been established. Mike Kintgen has requested the second half of October for his Eastern tour. Please contact me to submit your request and expect to hear from me in early August to start the scheduling process.
The Eastern Fall Speakers Tour 2013, with incredible cooperation from 13 chapters, has resulted in 11 speaker sites. Please refer to the information on the NARGS website under the Speakers Tour tab for necessary information regarding scheduling and hosting guidelines. Information regarding the 2014 Speakers Tour is in the process of being restored to the site following the recent transition to the new format, please be patient.