Seedex AGS

Submitted by Whyer on

Nargs members who are also AGS members; I know there are a lot of us ;-) May like to know that the current AGS seedex is live now on the new AGS website. It had a hiccup on the first live day  but like the previous version it saves your selections as you go along and you loose nothing, if you have a break yourself or something else does it for you. Just go back where you left off and carry on.


Submitted by IMYoung on Fri, 11/30/2018 - 07:48

The Scottish Rock Garden Club Seed Exchange will open for online ordering tomorrow- 1st December  -MMembers will notice a  new page on the main website when clicking to access the  SRGC Seed Exchange  as a new online system comes into operation for the  SRGC seed Exchange too!

As with AGS, I know there are many of us who are members of   both SRGC and NARGS cool

 All seed correspondence and queries by email can be sent to: