Seed List

2023-2024 Seed Exchange Main Round is NOW OPEN for ORDERING!

Click on the seed name to open the Google search page for that genus/species. Use alphabetical buttons or the search boxes underneath to refine the list and the ALL button to get out of the search. To view only Garden or Wild collected seed, use the Garden/Wild box. Use page numbers at the bottom to go to the next page of the list.

To select a seed from within the seed list, click on the choice button you want for that item. To change the choice category click on one of the other options or “No” to unselect an item. Many seeds are in very short supply, so provide enough second choices to ensure you receive a full order and to help the order filler pull your order. Second choices (preferred) (2nd*) is only for the few Second choices selections that you want the order fillers to pull first if they need to pull from second choices.

You may also enter your seed selections using the grey Instant Add box. Ranges can only be added using the Instant Add box. To make a change or remove a range, click on the >>>Review your order so far button to go to Your Selections page to delete the range. Ranges count as one choice (1 packet from the range will be pulled). You are not allowed more than one packet of any seed number.

When you finish making all your selections and are ready to pay for your order, click the Finalize Order - Checkout button; do not click this button until you have made all your selections.

Due to Phytosanitary restrictions, European Union, UK, Australia, and Japan members cannot order any moist packed seed or place an order in the Surplus Round. Australia and New Zealand members may only order seeds permitted entry by their countries.

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Seed # Genus/Species Description Garden/Wild
756 Erigeron glacialis blue-rose purple/pink/white-pale blue 5-55cm 6 G
3111 Erigeron glacialis purple 40cm Oregon: Strawberry Mtns 2255m 115 W
757 Erigeron glaucus purple 5-30cm 82 G
758 Erigeron glaucus 'Olga' lavender to 30cm 156 G
759 Erigeron karvinskianus white/turns pink 10-60cm 117 G
760 Erigeron leiomerus lavender/violet 4-12cm 81 G
761 Erigeron leiomerus pink 4-12cm 6 148 G
762 Erigeron linearis bright yellow-cream flr/greenish-white lvs 5-20cm 130 G
763 Erigeron nanus blue-purplish 2-10cm 156 G
764 Erigeron nanus white 2-10cm 6 G
765 Erigeron pinnatisectus light blue-purplish 4-11cm 41 45 167 G
766 Erigeron sp mixed 156 G
3112 Erigeron speciosus purple 30cm Oregon: Strawberry Mtns 2134m 115 W
767 Erigeron speciosus 'Jewel Mix' purple/pink 45cm 20 G
768 Erigeron tener blue-purple flr/grey-green lvs 2-15cm 59 G
769 Erigeron ursinus pink-bluish purple 5-25cm 6 156 G
770 Erinus alpinus mix 10-15cm 6 G
771 Erinus alpinus pale purplish pink 10-15cm 35 65 G
772 Erinus alpinus white 10-15cm 65 G
773 Eriocapitella rivularis (ex Chris Chadwell) white to 60cm 55 G
774 Eriogonum compositum cream-white 20-40cm 72 G
775 Eriogonum corymbosum white-cream/pink/yellow 15-80cm 156 G
3113 Eriogonum douglasii v meridionale yellow Nevada: Washoe Co 1372m 72 W
776 Eriogonum flavum v piperi pale-bright yellow 10-20cm 72 G
777 Eriogonum grande v rubescens pink-rose 20-50cm 130 G
778 Eriogonum heermannii v sulcatum yellowish white/turns rust 10-40cm 74 G
779 Eriogonum heracleoides cream-off white/white woolly lvs 35cm 72 G
780 Eriogonum hookeri coral-pink flr/silver hairy lvs 40cm 74 G
781 Eriogonum inflatum yellow 10-100cm 156 G
782 Eriogonum kennedyi white-pink/rose flr/woolly lvs 4-15cm 156 G
783 Eriogonum niveum cream-reddish flr/woolly lvs 20-60cm 156 G
3114 Eriogonum ochrocephalum v ochrocephalum yellow Nevada: Washoe Co 1372m 72 W
784 Eriogonum pulchrum white-rose/greyish lvs 8-15cm 74 156 G
3115 Eriogonum robustum cream Nevada: Washoe Co 1372m 72 W
785 Eriogonum siskiyouense sulphur yellow flr/grey woolly lvs 5-15cm 43 G
3116 Eriogonum sphaerocephalum v sphaerocephalum yellow Nevada: Washoe Co 1372m 72 W
3117 Eriogonum thymoides cream/pink/red 10-15cm Washington: Grant Co 400m 10 W
3118 Eriogonum umbellatum Nevada: Clark Co 1219m 156 W
786 Eriogonum umbellatum v dichrocephalum pale yellow-cream/whitish 10-30cm 72 G
3119 Eriogonum umbellatum v haussknechtii cream/yellow 3-5cm Washington: Icicle Ridge 2150m 10 W
787 Eriogonum umbellatum v majus cream 15-30cm 43 G
3120 Eriogonum umbellatum v nevadense yellow Nevada: Washoe Co 1372m 72 W
788 Eriogonum umbellatum v polyanthum yellow 10-20cm 72 G
789 Eriogonum umbellatum v subaridum bright yellow 10-30cm 72 G
790 Eriolarynx australis pale violet-blue to 2.5m 9 G
791 Eriophyllum ambrosioides white to 60cm 128 G
792 Eriophyllum lanatum yellow flr/woolly grey lvs 10-60cm 7 G
3121 Eritrichium sp blue 5-15cm Alaska: Mt Healy 28 W
793 Erodium 'Cezembre' pale pink 15-20cm 40 G
794 Erodium guicciardii rose-carmine flr/silver hairy lvs 10-40cm 147 G