Ruby Mountains, Nevada

Submitted by Maksymowicz on

Does anyone have a species list for the Ruby Mountains in Nevada?


Submitted by Mikkelsen on Mon, 12/16/2019 - 15:56

I'm a few hours away from the Rubys so if you get a species list, please let me know. Maybe we could get together and do some plant hunting!



Submitted by Maksymowicz on Tue, 12/17/2019 - 16:46


I have a PDF file titled "Flora and Major Plant Communities of the Ruby-East Humboldt Mountains with Special Emphasis on Lamoille Canyon".  It was put our by the Humboldt National Forest, Region 4, in 1971.

It wasn't of much help to me, but I was only able to botanize the first mile or so beyond the Lamoille Canyon trailhead, so I didn't reach the alpine region.  I see no way of attaching this PDF file to this message, but if you send me an email message at, I will attach it to my reply.

Alex Maksymowicz