Hi all. I'm the Registrar for the Delaware Valley Chapter NARGS Winter Study Weekend in Frazer, PA, May 3-5, 2019. I wanted to open a thread for anyone to try to connect for sharing rooms, transportation, or to answer questions you may have about the Meeting (and the pre-conference tour, May 2-3, which is now waitlisting only) or the area. I won't hesitate to direct you to experts if needed!
Leave your messages here and hopefully we can help each other.
Hi Gerard,
Hi Gerard,
I plan to go to Chanticleer on Monday! I am very excited to return, as it has been almost seven years. I would be happy to visit with you.
Sunday I plan to go to the open gardens.
I'll be leaving Monday evening. I hope you are able to spend extra time in the area, as there is no shortage of gardens!
Hi Mariel,
Hi Mariel,
Sunday the open gardens, Monday to Chanticleer sounds nice! Do you leave on Monday morning form the hotel? How will you travel to Chanticleer? I would really apreciate to catch up with you. I think I'll leave on Tuesday or Wednessday form Philladelphia Airport.
I am renting a car. I will be
I am renting a car. I will be leaving the hotel on Sunday, but I can pick you up Monday. I am staying Sunday night in Kennett Square, so the hotel is on the way to Chanticleer.
You can also send me an email
You can also send me an email at mtribby@gmail.com.
Do you realize Chanticleer is
Do you realize Chanticleer is not open Mon. and Tues.? Also I'd highly recommend Winterthur but again it is not open on Mondays. If you find out otherwise, let me know. Good news! Longwood Gardens will be open. There is much to see there. I'm not going to the conference but I'll be in Philly at that time and have been looking at gardens to visit.
You have done your homework and are correct. Unfortunately, Chanticleer is not open to the public on Monday or Tuesday.
Gerard & Mariel, please take this into consideration in your planning. Chanticleer is open that Saturday 8-5:00 and Sunday, 10-5. If you desire to go, you may need to sacrifice some garden visits. Folks who arrive Wednesday or Thursday and are not on the Pre-Tour Conference may have opportunities to visit on those days or Friday in lieu of, or between, other garden visits.
Sorry, this timing is not within our control! There are many other lovely gardens and Arboreta to visit on Monday, however. I recommend you look at https://americasgardencapital.org and check the details.
Gerard, since you are a professional, maybe it is possible that with a call to the director (Bill Thomas) or one of the horticulture staff -- http://www.chanticleergarden.org/staff.html, (e.g. Lisa Roper, Eric Hsu, Dan Benarcik), that perhaps a courtesy visit on Monday could be arranged. I may be completely wrong, but see no harm in you trying that route if Monday is your only chance to go there.
Thanks all for the reminder.
Thanks all for the reminder. I have contacts from my internship at Chanticleer and will double-check about Monday.
Hi all, I've registered for the studyweekend in May, also for the pre-tour. I'm wondering: is there someone in the area who would like to hang around with me a couple of days and visit some gardens I must see? Chanticleer I guess, and.... I'm stil free to choose days before or after the conference.