Alpine-L ListServ Retiring - January 2018

Submitted by Mark McD on

Below is an email message sent to Alpine-L membership announcing the retirement of Alpine-L ListServ as of January 2018.


Dear Alpine-L members,

This message announces retirement of Alpine-L as of Jan 2018, 22 years since inception in 1995. It also marks my upcoming 7-year anniversary of stepping up to the plate assuming Co-List-Owner of Alpine-L, Jan 2011.  I posted vigorously on this platform for many years, and a friend of founder Harry Dewey, but it seems time to move on with current technology.

Regrettably Alpine-L has fallen into disuse. 
2017: not counting auxiliary announcements by stalwart regulars Cliff Booker & Margaret Young, Alpine-L had a mere 9 member posts in all of 2017.  The two resources referenced by Cliff & Margaret's posts can be found elsewhere with URLs provided below.

Useful links moving forward after Alpine-L retirement:

AlpenPix photos (recent photos appear at the top of the listing)

Parent to Alpine-L and other botanical ListServe groups is

SRGC - The International Rock Gardener - Index to monthly free e-Newsletters

Alpine-L archive message links (two versions, the first one is my preference)


Mark McDonough

Alpine-L list-owner
antennaria at
Massachusetts, USA
***your Alpine-L account settings***
***Alpine-L archive message links***